Wednesday, January 5, 2011

TV is primary source for weather information

A new poll by Rasmussen shows that most people rely on local television for weather related information.; But what's really surprising about the poll results is the extremely low percentage of people that rely on radio for weather information.

Another surprise, is that in reporting results of the poll, Radio Business Report apparently didn't notice the disparaging news for radio, but instead pointed out the small percentage of people who rely on newspapers for weather information.

The poll asked respondents to identify their primary source of weather information. Television was listed by 54% of those responding, while radio was listed by only 5% (that's right, just 5%), and newspapers were at the bottom of the results, listed by only 2% of those responding.

My take:  while TV should be no surprise in the poll results - local TV does a very good job of covering weather in the 21st century.  As a mostly live medium, radio is close to last with newspapers, and that's sad news on the state of radio today  The newspaper results are not unusual - considering newspapers have always chronicled history - but radio has long been a medium for live, breaking news and weather.

Here's how the poll shaped up, asking people to identify their primary source of weather information: 

  54%: local television
  20%: internet
  19%: cable television
   5%: radio
   2%: newspaper

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